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Writer's pictureLeslie Wood

Mastering the Art of Planning: Key Elements and Tips for Success

Planning is the process of creating a roadmap that outlines the steps needed to achieve a specific objective or goal. It involves identifying objectives, assessing resources, and developing a strategy to achieve the desired outcome. Planning is important because it provides direction and purpose, helps allocate resources efficiently, reduces uncertainty and risks, and increases the chances of achieving the desired outcome.

Planning is an essential process that helps individuals and organizations achieve their goals effectively and efficiently. Whether you are a student preparing for an exam or a business owner strategizing for the future, planning is crucial for success.

There are several types of planning, including strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning, contingency planning, and financial planning. Strategic planning focuses on long-term goals and involves high-level decision-making. Tactical planning focuses on medium-term goals and involves more specific plans for implementation. Operational planning focuses on short-term goals and involves the day-to-day management of resources. Contingency planning focuses on preparing for unexpected events, and financial planning focuses on managing finances to achieve specific goals.

At its core, planning involves identifying objectives, assessing resources, and developing a roadmap to achieve the desired outcome. The process requires careful consideration of various factors such as timelines, budget, risks, and people that are involved expectations. In this blog post, we will explore the key elements of effective planning and discuss some tips to help you plan better.

The first step in planning is to identify your objectives. What do you want to achieve? Whether it's a personal or professional goal, be clear about what you want to accomplish. Objectives provide direction and purpose to the planning process.

The next step is to assess the resources available to you. This could include finances, people, time, and technology. Knowing your resources will help you create a realistic plan that takes into account any limitations you may have.

Once you have identified your objectives and assessed your resources, it's time to develop a roadmap. A roadmap is a plan that outlines the steps you need to take to achieve your objectives. It should include specific tasks, timelines, and milestones. The roadmap should also take into account any potential roadblocks or risks and have contingency plans in place to address them.

Monitoring your progress is an important part of the planning process. It allows you to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments along the way. Regularly checking in on your roadmap will help ensure you stay on track and meet your objectives.

Tips for effective planning:

Be realistic:

When planning, it's important to be realistic about what you can achieve. Set achievable goals and create a plan that takes into account any limitations you may have.To manage risk in a plan, you should identify potential risks, assess the likelihood and potential impact of each risk, and develop a plan to mitigate or manage each risk. This may involve developing contingency plans, setting aside resources to address potential risks, or adjusting the plan to reduce or avoid potential risks. It's essential to regularly monitor and assess risks throughout the planning process and adjust the plan as needed to manage risks effectively.

Be flexible:

Plans can change, and it's essential to be flexible and adapt to any changes that may arise. Build flexibility into your plan so that you can adjust course if needed.To adjust a plan when things change, you should review the plan regularly, monitor progress, and consider any changes in circumstances or resources. You should also assess the potential impact of changes and adjust the plan accordingly, considering any risks or opportunities that may arise. Figure out what worked and what didn’t and brainstorm some solutions.

Involve stakeholders:

Involving stakeholders in the planning process can help ensure buy-in and support for your plan. It also provides an opportunity to gather feedback and ideas that can enhance the plan's effectiveness. To involve others in the planning process, you should communicate clearly, provide opportunities for feedback and collaboration, establish clear roles and responsibilities, and recognize and reward contributions. It's also essential to ensure that all stakeholders understand the plan's objectives and the role they play in its success.

Review and revise:

Regularly reviewing and revising your plan can help ensure it remains relevant and effective. As circumstances change, make adjustments to your plan to ensure you stay on track to achieve your objectives.

The success of a plan can be measured by comparing the actual outcome to the desired outcome. Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used to monitor progress and measure success. It's essential to establish clear metrics at the beginning of the planning process and regularly monitor progress to determine whether the plan is successful.

Effective planning is an essential component of achieving your goals. By identifying your objectives, assessing your resources, developing a roadmap, monitoring your progress, and following some key tips, you can create a plan that will help you achieve success. Remember, planning takes time and effort, but it is well worth it in the end.

Let’s Plan a few examples using the LEVEL 10 Life areas.

Health/ Wellness

• Am I getting enough physical activity?

• Do I drink enough water?

• Am I getting enough sleep each night?

• Am I eating a healthy diet?

• Do I practice stress-reducing techniques?

My plan is to exercise when I first wake up in the morning. My contingency plan is to walk extra throughout the day if I am unable to get it done in the morning.

My plan to drink enough water is to immediately drink two cups after my exercise. Drink one cup before eating and one cup after eating. If I am unable to stand the taste of water that day, I will use unsweet tea and/or a water flavor packet that is sugar free.

My plan for getting enough sleep is to prepare my room by playing soothing music, doing stretches, putting away electronics, journaling, and reading before my scheduled time to go to sleep at 9pm.

My plan for eating a healthy diet is to plan and prepare healthy foods each week. I will also keep healthy snacks available for a quick grab and go as needed.

My plan to practice stress reducing techniques is to meditate every day when I first get up. I practice breathing from my diaphragm during this time.

Marriage or Significant other

  • Do we have good communication skills?

  • Do I feel respected and trusted?

  • Do we spend enough time together?

  • What goals do we share together?

  • Are we being intimate with one another?

My plan for communication skills is really about telling him what has been happening in my day, things that need to get done, and things we are wanting to work on together. Another tip would be to find your own love language and use his love language on him and let him do the same for you.


  • Do I find my work (paid or unpaid) is meaningful?

  • Where do I want to be in the next five years in my career?

  • Do I seek mentorship or advice from leadership?

My plan is to retire from school counseling after 25 years and create my own private practice where I will see kids and teens on the spectrum, supervise other counselors, and create courses for people to live happier and healthier lives.

Physical Environment

  • Do I have a place to go where I feel safe?

  • What type of environment brings about a sense of calm in my life?

  • Do my surroundings encourage good physical and mental health?

My plan is to keep the kitchen clean nightly and make my bed each morning. Then weekly I pick up around the house, do laundry, clean floors and bathrooms. Monthly I deep clean on room in the house. I also make sure my areas are clean at work everyday before I leave.

Family and Friends

  • Do I feel free from loneliness or isolation?

  • When making a decision, do I seek advice from peers or support groups?

  • Do I feel close to immediate or extended family?

  • Is there someone I can call if I need support?

  • Do I have at least one social connection each day?

My plan is to reach out to my family and friends on a weekly basis. I set an alarm to remind myself and then I may text as needed. I joined a book club and try to get involved with my church.


  • What do I enjoy doing for fun?

  • What are my hobbies?

  • How can I add more fun and enjoyment in my life?

I plan fun around my time with my family and friends. I also try to plan fun activities to do alone. My family is planning time each day to do something fun together. This week we played hide and seek, read a book, played with Legos, and got in the hot tub. I also enjoy doing art and crafts or reading a book. So I plan those activities in my days or weeks as well. Fun is typically combined for me with other areas of my life so I plan things with that in mind.


  • Am I aware of what values are most important to me?

  • Do I participate in meditation, prayer, or yoga?

  • Have I spent time in nature recently?

My plan is to do meditation each day to help ground me spiritually. I also feel closer to God when in nature so I plan things to be outside, even if it is just noticing the sunrise as I go to school. I also plan to attend church and spend time sharing ideas with my family.

Personal Growth

• Do I have a sense of self worth?

• Do I appropriately express my feelings to others (joy, happiness, love, anger, sadness, etc.)?

• Do I maintain a positive outlook most of the time?

• Have I read a book lately?

• Have I worked on improving my memory?

• Have I tried a new activity such as learning a new language, writing a poem, learning a new instrument?

• Is there a class that I could enroll in to learn something new?

My plan for my personal growth is to always be nurturing my mind with positive thoughts and inspirations. I also want to grow by experiencing new things and so I plan new things for me to do and learn all the time.


  • How much time am I giving of myself to others?

  • How can I contribute financial to a cause that I believe in?

  • What types of kindness do I want to spread to make a difference in my community?

My plans for contribution include providing free resources to help others. I also contribute to my church and as things arise. I also plan donations of things that I have in my home that I no longer need.


  • Do I have a retirement account or other plan for my financial future?

  • Do I have a monthly budget?

  • Do I know where I spend my money?

I plan my finances by revising and reviewing them weekly and monthly. My husband and I sit down about monthly to discuss our plans and how we want to use our money. We go over what we are doing right and what we need to improve or adjust.

If you are interested in more ways to plan your Level 10 Life. I have a free planner under the resources section of this site. Please visit to download yours today.

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